HARE has a long and valued history with the students of Hastings High School. Each year, a student board is elected to help guide and lead the various projects that we take on. This past December, we celebrated our 33rd year as a social action organization.
As a public-facing organization, COVID-19 has caused us to adjust the way we go about our mission of fundraising and providing for our community. The pandemic has forced our collective hands in how we live, how we communicate and how we navigate these times. Over the past year, SHARE has made strides to adjust and continue to serve the community safely. Our face mask initiative and Thanksgiving Dinner distribution in New York City were some of the most recent ways SHARE responded to the changing needs created when COVID-19 became a reality in our lives. No matter what we are able to do, we want you to know that your safety and the safety of those we serve is our first priority.
To be considered for a position on our student board, you must be very willing and able to make a serious commitment of time and spirit to social justice and social action. Our board meets monthly and attendance is required. And prior to our big events such as The Thanksgiving Dinner for the Homeless, Empty Bowls, Holiday Shoebox Gift Appeal, Project Prom among other projects, we may meet weekly up to the date of the event. Our most involved projects are our annual Thanksgiving Dinner for the Homeless and Crossing Borders, a program that is enjoying its eleventh consecutive year at Hastings High School. Both of these projects are huge commitments that we have made; both have benefited students as well as the homeless and hungry poor of the metro New York area.
It is essential that you know your time will be required to help make these events the successes they have always been. Our other projects include monthly Midnight Runs, Project Prom, AIDS Walk NY, Empty Bowls, and various other adventures that extend us to a needy population.
If you feel you want to become an essential cog in the wheel and are willing to “take the time…and share the experience,” please let us know in an essay form what role you can see yourself undertaking and how you see the coming year evolve with all of the unprecedented change we have had--and are continuing have--to adjust to. Tell us what you think SHARE’s role will be with any and all ideas you have. This is your time to shine. Please be as detailed as possible. All applications are due Friday, June 11th.
Please email your application in Word format as attachments to[email protected]. Thank you so very much for your passion and continued interest in SHARE.